
UBC Okanagan Child Care prioritizes full-time UBC students, staff and faculty. Community and Alumni families are offered a space if no students, staff or faculty can take one when it becomes available. 

Waitlist Information  

We currently have an extensive waitlist for all our programs.  

Families are placed on the waitlist and offered an available space according to their application date. It is the guardian’s responsibility to inform UBC Okanagan Child Care if their status within the University changes while they are on waitlist. If a space is offered based on false information, the contract may be terminated. UBC Okanagan Child Care runs one waitlist for all programs.  

The application does not guarantee enrolment. The Associate Director of Child Care Services reserves the right to refuse entry. For further information visit our website 

We will have an online waitlist form available soon. In the meantime, if you would like to be added to the waitlist, please contact Operations Manager Lisa Anderson via email: